Discover the benefits of Allure Testops CI integrations for seamless automation and efficient testing workflows
Initiate and re-execute tests whenever you need to get control over the timing and frequency - no need to wait for the next scheduled test cycle to verify a specific aspect of the application
Select and focus on specific jobs or tasks within a larger project or pipeline to streamline the workflow through the running or monitoring only the jobs that are relevant to current objectives
Get a detailed view of the test or test suite lifecycle, including any changes in test execution history and associated data, to identify potential bottlenecks and gain insights into the testing process
Get instant feedback on the status of your tests and test runs as they happen or continuously monitor the execution of test cases and test suites using real-time monitoring and reporting.
Pinpoint and investigate test failures immediately after test runs, including examining the error messages, logs, and associated data to trace the root causes of failures quickly
Launch multiple tests or test suites simultaneously across various environments to address time constraints by distributing tests across available resources and to increase efficiency
Discover how Allure Testops seamlessly connects with prominent CI/CD platforms, offering a comprehensive suite of automation features to elevate your delivery
OSS automation CI/CD server for building, testing, and deploying software on any parts of the process
Platform for versioning, issue tracking, pull requests, code review, project management, and CI/CD
Web-based platform for version control, source code management, and DevOps lifecycle management
CI/CD server to automate and streamline the building, testing, and deployment of software projects
A modern, cloud-native CI/CD platform for building and deploying applications
CI/CD server developed to automate and streamline the software development and release processes
Platform for source code management and collaboration to support software development and version control
A comprehensive CI/CD platform for agile project management and collaboration
Fully managed CI/CD service for quick and reliable application delivery from AWS
OSS declarative GitOps CI/CD tool to automate deployment and management in Kubernetes clusters