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Orchestrate test documentation with
Smart Test Cases

Handle regular automated test cases update routine with ease

Smart Test Cases

End-to-end for test cases maintenance

Generate, update, and keep up-to-date product test documentation

Activate Test Cases

Allure TestOps simplifies your team's test cycles and streamlines automation. This allows you to focus on testing while documentation is automatically generated based on the initial successful test run results.

Activate Test Cases generation

Build a single source
of truth for the team

All the information about your test intent is now kept in one place, unleashing the power of team collaboration. Custom views allow seeing test cases grouped by launches, components, or testing frameworks.

Build a single source of truth for the team

Keep test documentation

Enjoy Allure's Smart Test Cases capability to auto-update test cases after every run based on test run results tracking and analysis.

Keep test documentation up-to-date

Watch 10-min overview

Take a brief look at our feature by watching a 10-minute overview video.

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