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Spiratest pricing: is this tool worth the money
Are Spiratest pricing plans worth the investment? Find out their features, plans and offers to make an informed decision.
Maggie Ferris
Top 10 Automated Tools for Software Testing in 2023
Do you want to stay ahead in continuous software testing? Check out the best 10 automated testing tools for functional testing in 2023.
Automated requirement coverage calculation and its visualization in Allure Framework
Do you want to know how to turn the requirement coverage metric into an actual linter for your codebase? Read more to find out! This is a case study about an automated pipeline with that metric.
Sergei Khomutinin
Understanding the Software Testing Life Cycle: A Comprehensive Overview
Whether you're a software tester, manager, or developer, this guide will help you understand the software testing life cycle and how to implement effectively.
Can Continuous Testing help your Business create Better Software Solutions?
Find out how you and your development teams can expedite the release of quality applications and stay ahead of your competitors with continuous testing.
The best code coverage tools for automation testing: Qameta's Allure TestOps.
What is code coverage? Know the best tools for code coverage for automation testing in 2023 and make your software and applications agile and reliable.
VSCode Plugin for Allure tools released!
We've made a brand new VSCode Plugin. It's going to make your life much easier and speed up your workflow.
Konstantin Epishev
Allure Report vs. Allure TestOps
Do you want to know, what the difference between Allure Report and Allure TestOps is? Let's find out!
Mikhail Lankin
Allure TestOps 4.12.0 Feature Review
We've added a whole bunch of new features to Allure TestOps - let's take a look at the most exciting ones together!
Allure Report in November 2022: 56+ million reports and we've hit 3k stars on GitHub!
More and more people are using Allure Report, and they're generating reports more often. Let's take a look at some fresh statistics!
Miro: The TestOps Journey
How do Miro developers and testers manage to run 3000 E2E tests hundreds of times a day? And how do they test Java and TS in a single space? With Allure TestOps, it's a cakewalk!
Allure TestOps Cloud General Availability
Today, we are thrilled to announce the general availability of Allure TestOps Cloud!
Ruslan Akhmetzianov